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Encouraging Communities
to Maintain Cross-Border
N2K Sites

The main goal of the project NAT2CARE (Encouraging communities to restore and maintain cross-border Natura 2000 areas) is to avoid depletion, fragmentation and loss of biodiversity in the areas of the parks partners of the project: (the Regional Natural Park of the Friulan Dolomites and the Triglav National Park) as well as in the cross-border areas.
The main objective of the project is to improve and maintain the state of biodiversity in Natura 2000 areas that fall under the competence of project partners and it will be implemented through the following activities:
– Innovative cross-border actions to strengthen the management of habitat types and species of NATURA 2000;
– Promoting and raising environmental awareness and knowledge;
– Enhance promotion of ecosystem services;
This will lead to an increase in habitat and species conservation in N2K sites.
The main outputs refer to these three activities that are run in 1330 hectares of habitat with the best conservation status, 7 pilot actions aimed to sustain biodiversity, 2 means developed to promote ecosystem services and other events to raise environmental awareness, education and public participation for more than 2000 citizens of mixed ages.
Innovative monitoring method is in place to identify and promote ecosystem services, as well as innovative activities to raise environmental awareness, education and to encourage active public participation.
Another distinctive feature of the project is that the activities will be implemented in both sides of the border, because all monitored animal species live and move freely from one country to the other, as the area has similar habitat features. For this project will be applied common protocols.
Project length: 30 months
The project includes 6 partners: the Julian Prealps Nature Park – Lead Partner-, Triglav National Park, Regional Natural Park of the Friulan Dolomites, University of Udine, NIB- National Institute of Biology and Biotechnical Centre Naklo.
Associated partners: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of Slovenia, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of Slovenia, Legambiente ONLUS, WWF Adria, Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Italian Delegation Alpine Convention – Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection of Italy, Natural Park of the Ampezzo Dolomites.
Project total amount: 1.282.395,50 €
Amount for the activities of the Regional Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites: 214.350,00 €